Sign Up for Muzzleloading Remind Alerts


We've set up a new system to notify you when practices must be cancelled. We'll be using Remind. With this system, you can choose to receive notifications by email, text, via the Remind app, or any combination that works for you.

If practice will be cancelled, notifications will be sent by 11:00 a.m. on Sundays.

We encourage all our parents, leaders, and members to join. To receive text messages, sign up via Remind by texting “@muzz4h” to 81010. Opt out of messages by replying “unsubscribe @muzz4h” to the same number. To receive email messages, send an email to No subject is needed. There is also a Remind app available for your Android phone or iPhone if you would like to download that.

(Even if you’re already subscribed to the Remind group for .22, please be sure to subscribe to Muzzleloader’s alerts as well. Sometimes .22 may be cancelled when muzzleloader can still hold practice.)

Sam Webb is helping administer this system. If you have questions, please feel free to email her at or call/text at 970-214-5646.